al Qaeda
By JD Heyes
According to the fake news media, white vans run over people all by themselves
Some years ago leaders of al Qaeda called on followers of radical Islam to use trucks as weapons to “mow down” infidel non-believers in the West who are “enemies of Allah.” That was 2010. In 2014 leaders of the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, offered similar advice to its supporters, urging them to kill infidels with […]
By Jayson Veley
Barnes & Noble hosts free download of al-Qaeda bomb-making manuals for terrorists
We live in a dangerous world. Not only are we witnessing the emergence of dangerous domestic groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, but also radical terrorist organizations overseas that are hellbent on America’s destruction, such as Hamas, the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda. Given all this, the thought of a national bookstore publishing al-Qaeda bomb-making […]
By JD Heyes
Prepper alert: U.S. authorities warning of new terrorism threat to RAIL system after Al Qaeda provides “how-to” instructions on train derailment
Railroad and mass transit authorities are being warned by an agency belonging to the Department of Homeland Security to be on the lookout for homegrown terrorist threats involving attempts to derail trains. In recent days the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) sent out a security notice to all law enforcement around the country, according to ABC […]
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