Daily Caller deputy editor Scott Greer made the excellent point that contrary to our national media’s ongoing narrative about the “dangers” of President …
Somebody, somewhere is busy rallying the troops of radical leftist terror in the United States, which is taking on a …
For months Democrats and their allies in the “mainstream” media have denied reports that many Alt-Left terrorists who use violence …
As everyday Americans watch manufactured race chaos unfold all around them in the aftermath of the infamous Charlottesville false flag …
As they so often do, far-Left Democrats have overplayed their hand and created a monster that later threatens to destroy …
The man who owns the Post, which claims to be one of the country’s most respected media outlets, now trafficks …
Once hailed by Democrats and other liberal political and media figures as heroes for facing down the “authoritarianism” of President …
In recent days something very unexpected happened: The usually disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media began honestly covering the Alt-Left group “Antifa,” …
The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) identifies itself as “a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in …
Late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon was nearly in tears – or at least he tried really hard to look …